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European Roma Lives beyond Stereotypes, BESTROM collaborative book

European Roma Lives beyond Stereotypes, BESTROM collaborative book

We are very happy to announce the publication of our book European Roma Lives beyond Stereotypes, edited by two of our Principal Investigators, Eve Rosenhaft and Maria Sierra, and published by Liverpool University Press. This book is the outcome of several years of joint effort and showcases the purpose and spirit of our work.

Captura_de_pantalla_2022-03-14_a_las_22.01.44.jpgEuropean Roma Lives beyond Stereotypes is designed as a resource for scholars, educators, activists and non-specialist readers. It presents the results of new research on the role of Romani groups in European culture and society since the nineteenth century. Its specific focus is on the ways in which Romani actors, in their interactions with non-Romanies, have contributed to shaping Europe’s public spaces. Twelve chapters recount the experiences and accomplishments of individuals and families, from across Europe (England, France, Spain, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Finland) and Canada.

More information: https://www.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/books/id/55112/

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